
Travel Rescuer

Contact Travel Rescuer, SECURA’s on-call concierge service to help you with emergencies away from home.

U.S.: 800-527-0218 | Worldwide: 410-453-6330


SECURA’s Travel Rescuer

One phone call puts your family in touch with these emergency and non-emergency services whenever you’re 100 or more miles from home:
  • Travel assistance
  • Medical evacuation services
  • Security assistance
SECURA offers this worldwide service for policyholders and immediate family members residing in your household who have a MILE-STONE Gold policy or Agri-Protector Plus coverage. This is not medical insurance. Rather, it’s like having an on-call concierge to help you anywhere in the world. Call the numbers below for assistance.

U.S.: 800-527-0218 | Worldwide: 410-453-6330

Travel Rescuer can help with:

When you’re 100 or more miles from home

Concierge services

  • Replacement of corrective lenses and medical devices
  • Medications, vaccines, and blood transfers
  • Replacement of lost or stolen travel documents
  • Emergency travel arrangements
  • Legal referrals
  • Translation services
  • Real-time security intelligence
  • Travel and health information
  • Worldwide medical and dental referrals
  • Dispatch of doctors and specialists

Transportation services

  • Emergency medical evacuations
  • Transportation to join a hospitalized member
  • Transportation after stabilization
  • Return of mortal remains

Travel Rescuer FAQ

What is Travel Rescuer?
Travel Rescuer is a value-added service exclusive to MILE-STONE Gold and Agri-Protectdor Plus policyholders. It provides emergency and non-emergency travel, medical, and security assistance to policyholders and relatives living with them who travel 100 or more miles from home. Travel Rescuer does not include health or medical insurance.
When can policyholders use Travel Rescuer?
The service is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year, through our partner company, who will assist with any travel, medical, or security situation, regardless of severity.
How does someone access Travel Rescuer services?
Simply call a toll-free number 800-527-0218 to access the worldwide network. If a toll-free number is not available for a particular country, you may call collect. The telephone access numbers are printed on the ID cards you received in your Travel Rescuer brochure.
How does a policyholder obtain duplicate ID cards?
Your independent agent can provide you with additional ID cards.
What policyholder information is given to the travel assistance provider?
SECURA will not provide any policyholder information to our travel assistance provider. When you call for assistance, identify yourself as a SECURA MILE-STONE Gold policyholder via your group number.
How will Travel Rescuer confirm if a caller is an eligible policyholder?
If a medical evacuation is involved or additional costs will be incurred, our provider will contact SECURA directly to verify eligibility.
Is using Travel Rescuer counted as a claim on my SECURA policy? If so would this claim go against my policy?
No. Whether you call for travel advice, a medical referral, emergency evacuation, or other service, no claim is recorded by SECURA.
How does Travel Rescuer help locate appropriate medical care?
Our provider has a proprietary network of providers worldwide. The network includes hospitals, clinics, physicians, air ambulances, house-call physicians, medical escorts, security specialists, and other providers uniquely geared to the travel insurance industry. They have rigorous credentialing and recredentialing standards. Referrals are based on the medical specialty needed, location, language, availability, training, etc.
Does Travel Rescuer require policyholders to use specific hospitals, doctors, or clinics?
In order to reap the full benefit of services, we strongly recommend you contact Travel Rescuer before entering a hospital so they can refer you to the best provider in the area. If you go to other providers, our travel assistance provider cannot be certain of the level of treatment. However, they will provide the same assistance services regardless of where you are treated.
How does Travel Rescuer facilitate hospital admissions?
Our travel assistance provider will coordinate all billing and insurance verifications, including settling any guarantees of payment.
What if the local facilities are not capable of providing treatment?
In evaluating the local facilities, our provider considers such factors as the quality of the blood supply, availability of medical technology and specialties, use of sterile equipment, and the patient’s medical requirements. If facilities are inadequate, as determined by a Physician Advisor, they will coordinate an evacuation, any medical needs you may require en route, and the evacuation plan details. They will consult with all parties involved and fully manage the evacuation.
What happens in the event of a hospitalization?
It is important to notify Travel Rescuer as soon as possible. Experts will monitor your care and work through the complex details of hospitalization. They will speak immediately with the treating doctor to assess your condition, treatment plan, and whether or not an evacuation is necessary. Our provider will update your family, employer, and personal physician as appropriate. In addition, they will coordinate all insurance verifications and admission details.
What is involved in an evacuation?
Each case is unique, but generally an evacuation involves:
  1. Evaluating transport requirements (such as oxygen requirements, doctors necessary, any special equipment, altitude specifications, etc.)
  2. Administering discharge
  3. Admitting into a new facility
  4. Identifying qualified escorts and ambulances
  5. Coordinating ground transportation on both ends of the evacuation
  6. Securing immigration and flight clearances
  7. Assisting with family travel arrangements
What are the types of medical evacuations?
Our provider determines the evacuation method based on your medical condition and location, and may be a:
  1. Commercial airline transfer (for less severe medical problems)
  2. Commercial airline transfer with medical or non-medical escort
  3. Stretcher commercial airline transfer (several seats are removed for the stretcher)
  4. Air or ground ambulance transfer
What is a typical cost to evacuate an individual?
Evacuation costs vary depending on the location and severity of the problem. Typically, a medical evacuation costs from $10,000 to $75,000 or more.
What if a policyholder has a non-medical problem?
You may call the Emergency Response Center for help. They will assist with lost or stolen travel documents, legal referrals, translation services, emergency transfer of funds, and a host of other non-medical problems.
What happens if illness or injury occurs on a cruise ship?
If you’re on a cruise ship and need to be evacuated, generally the captain will sail to the nearest port and our travel assistance provider will coordinate any medical care/evacuations from that port as necessary. If the cruise ship cannot sail to the nearest port and an airlift is necessary, the evacuation is usually coordinated through the ship’s captain. In this case, our provider would pay for the cost of the evacuation from the ship even though they are not making the transportation arrangements.
What if there is a political situation and a policyholder needs evacuation or security services?
If you need to be evacuated due to a deteriorating security situation, Travel Rescuer can assist with the coordination of such transport. With 24-hour capabilities to book commercial airline reservations or arrange charter flights, cases can be coordinated urgently, based on the availability of aircraft. If you are unsure about the relative cost effectiveness of one or more commercial flights versus a charter, (assuming both options are available), our provider can obtain a price comparison. They can also assist with determining any visa regulations that would apply and confirming hotel and ground transportation arrangements in the destination city. If provided with specific demographics and location information, they can formulate contingency plans with pricing at an additional charge.

  • In a more acute security situation, where special security personnel and arrangements are needed, our provider can assist in accessing appropriate services from specialized security affiliates.
  • Pricing for the coordination of security evacuations is determined by an hourly rate, plus the actual commercial or charter flight costs.
Is there a part of the world where Travel Rescuer service is excluded?
The Travel Rescuer coverage area excludes all countries listed in the travel warnings section of the U.S. State Department Website.
How many cases does the travel assistance provider handle a year?
Our partner manages approximately 25,000 cases per year in virtually every country of the world.
Can Travel Rescuer be endorsed to a basic MILE-STONE policy?
No. On an individual policy basis, the Travel Rescuer rate would be very expensive. It is more practical and cost effective to upgrade to the MILE-STONE Gold policy.
Is Travel Rescuer available in all states?
Travel Rescuer is available to policyholders who reside in any of the states where SECURA’s independent agents write business.
When and how were policyholders informed of the Travel Rescuer MILE-STONE Gold benefit?
Beginning June 24, 2008, each MILE-STONE Gold policyholder (except those in Illinois) received a special mailing with a cover letter, brochure, and two ID cards. New and renewing policyholders will receive the Travel Rescuer endorsement PLE 2064, an updated MILE-STONE Gold endorsement, and ID cards. New policyholders will receive ID cards as well. Travel Rescuer became available to policyholders in Illinois Aug. 1, 2017.

Coverages may not be available in all states. Coverages described are subject to all the terms and conditions of the policy, including rating, deductibles, exclusions, and limits of liability. Not all agents are authorized to write all types of insurance. Policies may be underwritten by SECURA Insurance Company or SECURA Supreme Insurance Company, affiliated companies referred to collectively as SECURA Insurance Companies. Please read the policy carefully. Any claim example is for educational and informational purposes only. The information in this document will not be used to determine the coverage of an actual claim presented. All claims are adjusted based on the relevant facts, conditions and coverages at the time of loss. For specific terms and conditions, please refer to your coverage form. Coverage is also subject to applicable deductibles and limits of coverage.

The information provided by SECURA on its Website (the Site) is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however SECURA makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information on the Site. The information contained on the Website is to the best of our knowledge true and accurate at the time of publication, however it is generally to be used solely for informational purposes. The materials on this website are not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up to date. You should not act or rely only on information on this website.

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