
Billing and Payment FAQ

Is there a fee to pay my premium online or by phone?

No. There are no fees to pay your premium online or by phone.

When will my authorized phone or online payment post to my policy/account?

Payments will be posted to your account after the transaction is completed and confirmation is received.

What methods of payment does SECURA accept for phone and online payments?

You can use your checking account, credit card (VISA, MasterCard, or Discover), ATM debit card, or electronic check to pay your bill online or by phone.

Can I extend my cancellation date and make a payment later?

At SECURA, we provide a seven-day grace period. After seven days the account will cancel.

Which policies can I pay online?

You can pay your SECURA auto, home, farm, or business policy online.

What is an electronic check?

An electronic check is an electronic transaction that is sent to your bank using your account information and appears on your bank statement as a debit or withdrawal. Because no paper check is produced, you will not receive a canceled check with your statement.

How do I find my policy number?

Your policy number is located on the upper right side of your invoice under the account holder’s name.

Can my agent make an online or phone payment for me?

We take pride in protecting your information and your security. For your own protection, payments made online or by phone must be made by the credit/debit cardholder or checking/savings accountholder. The payer must personally authorize the electronic debit of his or her account.

Can I receive an online statement?

Your statement is currently not available online.

Where can I mail my payment?

Mail your payments with an original invoice to:

SECURA Insurance
P.O. Box 776231
Chicago, IL 60677-6231

Mail your payments without an original invoice to:

SECURA Insurance
P.O. Box 819
Appleton, WI 54912-0819

Overnight payments should be mailed to:

SECURA Insurance
1500 Mutual Way
Neenah, WI 54956

*Please include your account number on your check.

Do payments have to be received by the due date or post-marked by the due date?

Payments must be received by the due date. A late fee will be assessed to payments received after the due date.

When will my check payment be processed?

Your check will be converted to an electronic funds transfer and may be processed the same day it is received. Therefore, you should be sure you have enough money in your account at the time of the transaction.

When is a check not a check? Understanding electronic check conversion When you visit your insurance agent to make a SECURA premium payment and they process the payment online, they are in essence converting the check to an electronic funds transfer. Later, when you get the bank statement, that check will not look like the other check transactions. Instead, you’ll notice an electronic debit for the amount of the transaction.

Here’s what you need to know about electronic check conversion.

What is electronic check conversion?

  • Electronic check conversion is a process in which a check is used as a source of information to obtain the account number and the bank routing number of the financial institution.
  • The banking information is used to make a one-time electronic payment from that account — an electronic funds transfer processed through the Federal Reserve.

What are some differences between electronic check conversion and check payment?

  • Electronic transactions may process faster than a check — as soon as the same day. Therefore, you should be sure you have enough money in your account at the time of the transaction.
  • Financial institutions do not return checks that are converted.
  • Consumers have different rights with electronic check conversion than with check payments. For example, in an electronic check conversion, you have the right to an investigation by your financial institution within 60 days of the transaction if an error occurs.

What are the federal laws around electronic check conversion?

  • The Electronic Funds Transfer Act and the Federal Reserve Board’s Regulation E require companies to provide notice before using someone’s check to make an electronic payment.
  • The original check that was converted must be destroyed within 14 days from the date of the transaction to avoid duplicate processing.
  • Under federal law, companies are not required to provide an opportunity to opt out of electronic check conversion, but customers can ask for their checks to not be converted.

If you don’t want the check converted, tell your agent. They can process the payment using a different method such as credit card. If you have any questions about electronic check conversion, please contact your SECURA independent agent.

Can I change the date my payment is due?

The due date of a payment is based on the effective date of the policy. You may request a different due date by contacting your SECURA independent agent.

How can I reinstate my policy if it cancels?

If your policy payments are past due and your policy has been canceled, please contact your SECURA independent agent, or call SECURA’s Customer Care Center at 800-830-9150.

I made changes to my policy that reduced the premium. Why didn’t I receive a refund?

If there is a balance due on your premium, a credit will be applied to reduce the balance. If you have additional questions, please contact your SECURA independent agent or call SECURA’s Customer Care Center at 800-830-9150.

When will SECURA’s SurePAY payments be deducted from my account?

Your payments will be deducted from your bank account no earlier than your invoice due date. You will receive a payment schedule from us listing your premium withdrawal dates and amounts.

Can SECURA’s SurePAY automatic withdrawals be made quarterly or twice a year?

To minimize the chance that you’ll forget a scheduled payment date, SurePAY is available only for monthly payments.

Can I change the date my SECURA SurePAY payment is automatically withdrawn?

Yes. You can select a date between the 1st and 28th of every month to have your payment withdrawn from your bank account. Please submit your request in writing.

Will I still get a monthly invoice if I enroll in SECURA’s SurePAY payments?

Monthly invoices or statements are not sent to you if you are enrolled in SurePAY unless there are any changes that will change your withdrawal amount.

Is there a minimum payment amount for SurePAY?

Yes. The minimum installment that we will bill is $10.

How will policy changes affect my SurePAY withdrawal?

If a change to your policy results in an increase or a decrease to your premium. We will mail a new payment schedule to you reflecting the premium change on your next withdrawal.

What if I’m owed a refund due to cancellation?

Our SurePAY authorization only allows deductions, not deposits to your account. We will issue a refund check for a canceled policy and mail it directly to you.

What if my account has insufficient funds at the time of a SurePAY withdrawal?

We will only make one attempt to withdraw on the due date.

What if my policy is canceled and I still owe premium?

We will close your SurePAY account at the time of cancellation and mail you an invoice for the premium owed.

What if I no longer want to pay my premium through SurePAY?

We must receive a request from you at least five days before your scheduled payment withdrawal date. Submit your request by using one of the following methods.

  • Contact your SECURA independent agent
  • Fax your request to SECURA Billing at 920-739-9029
  • Email your request to:

How do I change my banking information if I’m using SurePAY?

Visit to make changes or contact your independent agent.

Coverages may not be available in all states. Coverages described are subject to all the terms and conditions of the policy, including rating, deductibles, exclusions, and limits of liability. Not all agents are authorized to write all types of insurance. Policies may be underwritten by SECURA Insurance Company or SECURA Supreme Insurance Company, affiliated companies referred to collectively as SECURA Insurance Companies. Please read the policy carefully. Any claim example is for educational and informational purposes only. The information in this document will not be used to determine the coverage of an actual claim presented. All claims are adjusted based on the relevant facts, conditions and coverages at the time of loss. For specific terms and conditions, please refer to your coverage form. Coverage is also subject to applicable deductibles and limits of coverage.

The information provided by SECURA on its Website (the Site) is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however SECURA makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information on the Site. The information contained on the Website is to the best of our knowledge true and accurate at the time of publication, however it is generally to be used solely for informational purposes. The materials on this website are not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up to date. You should not act or rely only on information on this website.

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