
Farm Property insurance

As a farmer, your property is your livelihood, and Farm Property insurance allows you to focus on your work, knowing that your property is protected.


Farm Property insurance allows you to protect yourself from the financial impact of the risks beyond your control.

Farm strength comes from years dedicated to making sure your farm doesn’t fail – even in the face of unexpected disasters. Whether your farm is large or small, there are people and businesses that rely on you. If you experience property damage or theft, facing the financial burden without proper insurance can be overwhelming.

Farm Property insurance focuses on protecting both your home and farm property in a single policy, while providing coverage for typical livestock, machinery, supplies, and tools. This policy also safeguards most buildings, including your barns, shops, and grain storage systems.

SECURA Insurance started insuring farms since 1900. We have decades of experience protecting farms of all sizes, and many of our associates were raised on farms. They have the firsthand, practical knowledge about a farmer’s insurance needs and apply the same work ethic to shaping the best protection for your way of life.

Features of Farm Property insurance

SECURA’s Farm Property coverage protects your farm from a wide range risks both large and small that could disrupt your farming operation.

Farm Property

We offer blanket coverage for livestock, harvested crops, machinery, supplies, and tools. Limited coverage is available for loss by fire to hay, straw, fodder, borrowed or rented farm machinery, and portable buildings.

Farm Buildings

Our Farmowners Protector Policy safeguards most farm buildings, including your barn complexes, shops, and grain systems. We automatically cover new construction and structural alterations, as well as private power and light poles that are made during the policy term.

Dwelling and Household Personal Property

Dwelling coverage covers your house and any attached or unattached structures on the residence premises, such as an unattached garage or attached deck. The Household Personal Property coverage covers your personal property while on or away from your residence premises.

Debris Removal

Pays the reasonable expense for the removal of debris from an insured farm property if a covered loss causes damage to the property.

Pollutant Cleanup

Pays the reasonable expense to extract pollutants from land or water at the insured farm premises if the discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration, release, or escape of the pollutants is caused by or results from loss to insured property from a covered loss.

Fire Department Service Charge

Pays for fire department service charges incurred when a fire department is called to save or protect covered property from a covered loss.

Policyholder benefits that work

Risk management services

Our policyholders have unlimited access to a wealth of safety talks, safety programs, on-demand videos, and other loss prevention resources. Our risk management team provides on-site consultations to help identify safety improvements and provide specialized loss prevention guidance.

Exceptional claims experience

Our dedicated claims team is empathetic and strives to listen and answer any questions to ensure a full understanding of our process. When you notify us of a loss, we’ll call you within 24 hours, follow up regularly, and work with you until your claim is resolved.

Independent local agents

SECURA works with licensed independent agents in your community who help you find the right insurance solutions for your farm. As your farm grows, our independent agent partners can help you understand how your insurance needs may change.

Commonly asked questions about farm property insurance

Can I cover my farm buildings and my home under one policy?

With SECURA, farm insurance policies do cover your home and belongings, similar to a personal homeowners policy

How often should my farm policy be reviewed for any needed changes?

It’s a good rule of thumb to connect with your insurance agent routinely to discuss any changes to your farming operations and if it requires changes to your existing policies. Additional farm structures, new equipment, employees, and additions to your home may all be good opportunities to ensure your covered and protected properly.

Our farm is expanding and adding new piece of equipment. Does that affect my insurance?

Farm equipment can be expensive, so disclosing any sizable new purchases to your insurance agent is important. You may need to update your policy to include your new piece of machinery so you are covered in the case of a loss.


Since 1900, we’ve been known for our genuine people and exceptional service. By working with an experienced insurance provider who understands the risks and needs of your farming operations, you can ensure you have the right coverage to protect your investment and keep your farm running smoothly. In partnership with our independent agents, we can provide a custom insurance policy perfect for your unique needs.

SECURA offers farm coverages in eight states, and we are proud to support the communities that have welcomed us for more than a century.

Coverages may not be available in all states. Coverages described are subject to all the terms and conditions of the policy, including rating, deductibles, exclusions, and limits of liability. Not all agents are authorized to write all types of insurance. Policies may be underwritten by SECURA Insurance Company or SECURA Supreme Insurance Company, affiliated companies referred to collectively as SECURA Insurance Companies. Please read the policy carefully. Any claim example is for educational and informational purposes only. The information in this document will not be used to determine the coverage of an actual claim presented. All claims are adjusted based on the relevant facts, conditions and coverages at the time of loss. For specific terms and conditions, please refer to your coverage form. Coverage is also subject to applicable deductibles and limits of coverage.

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