
Commercial Liability insurance

Specialized business protection to help you navigate the many risks your business faces.

series of photos depicting business that would benefit from liability insurance such as food service, outfitters, and contractors

Lawsuits can arise at any time and can be devastating without proper coverage.

Commercial Liability insurance, also known as General Liability insurance, safeguards businesses from legal action due to bodily harm, property damage, or other losses that occur during normal operations. These claims can be expensive without the right coverage.

Features of Commercial Liability insurance

No business is immune to property damage or bodily injury claims. SECURA and our independent agents tailor our coverage to meet your unique needs.

Medical Payments coverage

Medical Payments coverage protects your business from medical expenses with no deductible or co-pay, including follow-up visits, specialist referrals, and prescriptions, regardless if you are at fault.

Defense costs

How your Commercial Liability coverage defines defense costs can have a significant impact, so it’s important to know whether your policy includes compensation for legal defense outside the limits or within the limits of liability.

Defense costs inside the limit simply means that defense costs are deducted from the total policy limit, resulting in less coverage available for any settlement payout.

Defense costs outside the limit means your defense costs are covered outside the policy limits, leaving your policy limit intact for covering any settlement payout.

It’s important to discuss the differences and availability of each type with your independent insurance agent.

Personal and Advertising Injury

Personal and Advertising Injury coverage provides protection against injury to another person or organization resulting from many different offenses, such as false arrest or imprisonment, wrongful eviction, libel or slander, unintentional copyright infringement, or claims of stealing or using third-party ideas in your advertising.

SECURA works with many industries, providing Commercial Liability insurance solutions for businesses of all sizes.

Don’t see your industry listed? Have a conversation with your local agent to learn more about how SECURA Insurance is right for your business.

Policyholder benefits that work

Risk management services

Our policyholders have unlimited access to a wealth of safety talks, safety programs, on-demand videos, and other loss prevention resources. Our risk management team provides on-site consultations to help identify safety improvements and provide customized loss prevention guidance.

Exceptional claims experience

Our dedicated claims team is empathetic and strives to listen and answer any questions to ensure a full understanding of our process. When you notify us of a loss, we’ll call you within 24 hours, follow up regularly, and work with you until your claim is resolved.

Independent local agents

SECURA works with licensed independent agents in your community who help you find the right insurance solutions for your company. As your company grows, our independent agent partners can help you understand how your company’s insurance needs may change.

Common questions about Commercial Liability insurance for business

What does Commercial Liability insurance cover?

Commercial Liability insurance protects your business from claims resulting from injuries and damage to people and/or property, costs related to unintentional copyright infringement or claims of stealing/using third-party ideas in your advertising, as well as reputational harm, such as slander, libel, and privacy claims.

What doesn’t Commercial Liability insurance cover?

Commercial Liability insurance does not protect you from business-related auto accidents, employee injuries or illness related to their work, damage to your business property, legal costs as a result of errors in your professional services, and claim costs that are higher than your liability policy limits. It also does not cover legal costs related to intentional or criminal acts.

How much does Commercial Liability insurance cost?

The cost of Commercial Liability insurance can vary depending on the number of employees, business sales, the state, city, and population where your business is located, the type of industry you serve, and the coverages that are needed. It’s best to talk with your independent business insurance agent for an accurate estimate of the coverage costs for your business.


Since 1900, we’ve been known for our genuine people and exceptional service. By working with an experienced insurance provider who understands the risks and needs of your businesses, you can ensure you have the right coverage to protect your investment and keep your business running smoothly. In partnership with our independent agents, we can provide a custom insurance policy perfect for your unique needs.

SECURA operates in 13 states with a variety of business insurance solutions, and we are proud to support the communities that have welcomed us for more than a century.

Coverages may not be available in all states. Coverages described are subject to all the terms and conditions of the policy, including rating, deductibles, exclusions, and limits of liability. Not all agents are authorized to write all types of insurance. Policies may be underwritten by SECURA Insurance Company or SECURA Supreme Insurance Company, affiliated companies referred to collectively as SECURA Insurance Companies. Please read the policy carefully. Any claim example is for educational and informational purposes only. The information in this document will not be used to determine the coverage of an actual claim presented. All claims are adjusted based on the relevant facts, conditions and coverages at the time of loss. For specific terms and conditions, please refer to your coverage form. Coverage is also subject to applicable deductibles and limits of coverage.

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