
Health and fitness center insurance

Pump up your business with insurance for fitness centers, health clubs, and gyms.

A man spotting another man that is benching free weights.

Whether you offer classes, equipment, or activities, SECURA can help protect your business.

Strengthen your business with fitness center insurance designed for you. At SECURA, we offer liability coverage for unique activities often offered at health and fitness clubs, like drop-in child care, group and individual personal training, tanning beds, and yoga classes. Learn how different insurance coverages can help protect your business.

Understand how various types of fitness center insurance offer unique forms of protection.

Learn how SECURA’s insurance for fitness centers can protect your business, then find an independent insurance agent to create a custom policy unique to your needs.

General Liability

After finishing a workout at her local fitness center, a customer walks back to the locker room. As she passes the water station, she slips on a wet floor, falls, and sprains her wrist. The fitness center staff was unaware of the wet floor, and there was no sign out to warn guests.

She requires medical care and files a claim against the business due to her injury. Because the fitness center owner has General Liability insurance, they are protected from the financial implications that result from this claim up to the amount of afforded coverage.

More about General Liability

Business Personal Property

A local health club invested in new fitness equipment. Upon arrival, it was inspected and found in good condition. It was assembled and placed in their storage area while they made arrangements to have it added to their workout area.

A few days later, a small fire breaks out in the storage area where the new equipment is being kept. Although the club’s staff is able to put out the fire quickly and nobody is hurt, the new equipment suffers significant smoke and heat damage.

The total cost to repair or replace the equipment is estimated at $50,000. Luckily, the health club has Business Personal Property coverage as part of their insurance policy, and they are able to make a claim to help cover the cost.

Without this coverage, a business may have to bear the full cost of the damage out-of-pocket, which could have a significant impact on their financial stability and ability to continue operating.

Commercial Property

While on vacation, a health club business owner receives a call from their gym manager informing him that a water pipe burst inside the building overnight and caused extensive damage to the flooring, walls, and some workout equipment. The club will need to temporarily close until the repairs can be completed.

Business Property insurance can help cover the costs of the building repairs, replacing damaged equipment, and possibly lost revenue due to the closure.

More about Commercial Property

Cyber Security

An owner of a fitness center received a call from his IT manager informing him their system was hacked, and sensitive customer information was stolen. The owner immediately contacts his Cyber Security insurance provider and files a claim.

Cyber Security insurance can help cover the costs associated with a data breach, including forensic investigation, legal and notification expenses, credit monitoring for affected customers, and even necessary public relations expenses. The insurance coverage may also provide financial support for claims filed by impacted customers, including compensation for financial loss or identity theft resulting from the breach.

More about Cyber Security

Workers’ Compensation

While at work, a health club’s personal trainer accidentally drops a weight on their foot, and they end up with a serious injury that requires surgery and extensive physical therapy. As a result, the personal trainer is unable to work for several months and requires ongoing medical treatment. Because the injury occurred on the job, they file a Workers’ Compensation claim to help cover their medical bills, lost wages, and other related expenses.

Workers’ Compensation insurance can help cover the financial costs of these types of claims, as well as medical bills, lost wages, and even legal fees or other expenses related to the claim.

More about Workers’ Compensation

Supplemental coverages available

Customize your policy with additional supplemental coverages to create a holistic insurance solution for your unique business needs. We offer protection for the added services you may offer your customers, such as nutritional counseling, massages, and licensed daycare. Let us do the heavy lifting – contact an independent agent to talk about your needs and ensure you have the proper insurance coverages.

  • Professional Liability for physical training, fitness and nutritional counseling, licensed daycare or child care services, and more
  • Coverage for tanning and massage services
  • Participant Liability
  • Employee Benefits Liability
  • Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)
  • Excess Medical Payments for members while working out
  • Commercial Liability Umbrella
  • Abuse and Molestation Liability
  • Limited Discrimination coverage
  • Sports, Recreation, and Fitness Property WRAP
  • General Liability WRAP — Broader General Liability protection with increased limits for supplementary payments, automatic additional insured status for certain eligible persons or entities, and more
  • Business Auto WRAP — Greater coverage for your business automobile, plus it saves you money by including a number of valuable coverage extensions on one form

SECURA works with many types of health and fitness centers, clubs, gyms, and studios to provide customized insurance solutions for businesses of all sizes.

Don’t see your business listed below? Have a conversation with your local agent to learn more about how SECURA can offer custom fitness center insurance to best fit your business needs.

  • 24/7 fitness facilities
  • Circuit workout centers
  • Fitness boot camps
  • Health clubs
  • High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) facilities
  • Martial arts studios
  • Yoga, barre, and Pilates studios
  • YMCAs

Policyholder benefits that work

Risk management services

Our policyholders have unlimited access to a wealth of safety talks, safety programs, on-demand videos, and other loss prevention resources. Our risk management team provides on-site consultations to help identify safety improvements and provide customized loss prevention guidance.

Exceptional claims experience

Our dedicated claims team is empathetic and strives to listen and answer any questions to ensure a full understanding of our process. When you notify us of a loss, we’ll call you within 24 hours, follow up regularly, and work with you until your claim is resolved.

Independent local agents

SECURA works with licensed independent agents in your community who help you find the right insurance solutions for your company. As your company grows, our independent agent partners can help you understand how your company’s insurance needs may change.


Since 1900, we’ve been known for our genuine people and exceptional service. By working with an experienced insurance provider who understands the risks and needs of your businesses, you can ensure you have the right coverage to protect your investment and keep your business running smoothly. In partnership with our independent agents, we can provide a custom insurance policy perfect for your unique needs.

SECURA operates in 13 states with a variety of business insurance solutions, and we are proud to support the communities that have welcomed us for more than a century.

Coverages may not be available in all states. Coverages described are subject to all the terms and conditions of the policy, including rating, deductibles, exclusions, and limits of liability. Not all agents are authorized to write all types of insurance. Policies may be underwritten by SECURA Insurance Company or SECURA Supreme Insurance Company, affiliated companies referred to collectively as SECURA Insurance Companies. Please read the policy carefully. Any claim example is for educational and informational purposes only. The information in this document will not be used to determine the coverage of an actual claim presented. All claims are adjusted based on the relevant facts, conditions and coverages at the time of loss. For specific terms and conditions, please refer to your coverage form. Coverage is also subject to applicable deductibles and limits of coverage.

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