

Hand tools are manually powered tools, and include anything from axes to wrenches. The greatest hazards posed by hand tools result from misuse and improper maintenance.
Learn essential steps to avoid underground utility strikes. Mark utilities, use non-destructive digging, and respond effectively if a line is hit.
Discover safety precautions and risks associated with pneumatic tools. Learn about protective gear, tool handling, and essential safety measures to prevent accidents and injuries.
Employers are responsible for implementing safety training, evaluation, and certification for all forklift operators.
Safety tips and documentation recommendations for underground utilities.
Protect your plumbing business with insurance designed for the unique risks you face in your daily operations.
Bad weather conditions can cause risks to businesses including loss of production, equipment issues, and potential for employee injuries.
Lexie Haase, one of our Senior Underwriter Trainer experts, understands how confusing these questions can be. Her dad is an independent insurance agent.